
Morningsun's Star Fighter


Born: 8.05.1986 Brown

HD: Free

Braids Oscar Wilde Black
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
NORDCH. Geliland Morning Miracle Black
HD: Free
GBCH. Potterdale Philosopher Black
HD: 0:2
(Black Blue)
GBCH. Orora Frank Black
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
GBCH. Blumberg Hadriana At Potterdale Black
(Black Blue Brown)
Osmart Black Paspolu Black
HD: 5:3
(Black Blue)
Tambora Brown Sugar At Geliland Brown
HD: Clear
GBCH. Osmart Black Pollyanna Black
(Black Brown)
Braids Nifty-Norah Brown
HD: Free
Braids Jesper Brown
HD: Free
(Brown Fawn)
NORDCH. Blue Braid From Osmart Blue
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn White)
Braids Felicia Black
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown)
Bellbreeds Shandy Fawn
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
INTCH.NORDCH. Glenwhin Kingairloch Brown
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn White)
Bellbreeds Coquette Cicille Black
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
Morningsun's Mybrownstar Brown
HD: Free
(Black Brown)
Braids Jesper Brown
HD: Free
(Brown Fawn)
NORDCH. Blue Braid From Osmart Blue
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn White)
GBCH. Osmart Bonnie Blue Braid Blue
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
Westernisles Loch Creran
(Black Blue)
Braids Felicia Black
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown)
Buckbean Northern Star Black
HD: Free
(Black Blue)
NORDCH. Benedict Morningsun Fawn
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
Trollflöjtens Sweetheart Black
HD: Free
Braids Felix Black
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
Buckbean Northern Star Black
HD: Free
(Black Blue)
NORDCH. Benedict Morningsun Fawn
HD: Free
(Black Blue Brown Fawn)
Trollflöjtens Ella Jenkins Black
HD: Free
(Black Brown)
INTCH.NORDCH. Farmarens Toppen Brown
HD: Free
(Black Brown)
SE UCH. Trollflöjtens Little Scherzo
HD: Free
Colours between parentheses are the colours of progeny
© Created with Bearded Collies Pedigree http://www.bcpedigree.se 09/21/2024