News about the Bearded Collies Pedigree database
Stud Dogs
There is a list of possible stud dogs. It is under development and if you have any ideas or find any funny things, just let me know.
You find it Under Stud Dogs in the menu above.
The Bearded Collie Pedigree has been around since 2001. After a server crash in June 2012, we have started a project to look at moving the Bearded Collie Pedigree to a more modern and safer environment. This work goes forward, at the same time it is costs for administration, maintenance and development. In order to secure the future of Bearded Collie Pedigree, we are grateful for every contribution. The easiest way to do this you via Paypal by clicking the "Pay Now" button abow. Everyone who contribute will be presented with name and kennel name on BC Pedigree. Thank you in advance. Best regards Irena, BC Pedigree
Register a litter
It is now possible to register a litter true the Add/Update form, just click the Litter checkbox. You can add up to 15 puppies
We are now on Facebook
New picture gallery
Have a look at the new picture gallery where you can see pictures of dogs from different countries or in alphabet order
There is a new linkpage to differnt showresultpages, see more under "Showresults"
Merle colour
We have added Merle to the colour scheme
Over 100.000 dogs
Today dog number 100.000 was added to the database
Breeders map
On this map you can see the location of Bearded Collie breeders. If your location is missning, please add it on the map.
Now there is a new better link site
There is a new functionality where you could see exported and imported dogs
Unknown Parents and Unknown Country
The views Unknown Parents and Unknown country have been changed so that is easier to see which dogs that have missing information.
Test mating
There has been a couple of problems with the test mating. The problems are now solved.
It's getting bigger
Kelham Pure Angel was the 40.000 dog, that was put into the Bearded Collie database.
Photo gallery
We have created a view which contains all the pedigrees that have a photo of the dog
We have added two new functions, Country Search and Country???.
Under Country Search you can search for dogs thru countries.
The Number in front of country is showing how many dogs there are in the database from that country.
Country is also showed in the pedigree.
Country??? is for you to help us with the information where a dog is born.
We have now added a guestbook to Bearded Collie Pedigree. Please sign it and come with ideas what could be improved on this site
New functions
We have updated the design on the site. We have also put in HD and Elbow x-rays results on progeny and siblings.
New Full text search
The Full Text Search function is now updated. The changes are the following
Search form is always in place
It shows how many hits there are in the search
Result list is sorted is alfabet order
Now there is a link page. It contains sites which have links to BCPedigree.
There are also links to sites who has contributed whith informatin to the Bearded Collie Database to make it better and better.
Still unknown parents
We have still dogs in the database where information about their parents is missing. Please help us to make the database as complete as possible by filling in the missing data and send it to us.
Colours of progeny
Now you could see the colours of a dogs progeny I the pedigree. The colours is between parenthesis under the dogs name
Now you could see in the pedigree if there is a photo of the dog. If that is the case there is a small camera icon after the dog name
Show date of birth in the pedigree
If you move the cursor over a dog name in the pedigree, the date of birth is shown in a pop-up window if it is registered in the database
Six generation pedigree
We have now made it possibly to make a six-generation pedigree. To do this there is en new link named 6 Generations. The Pedigree opens up in a new window. It is also possible to make a print.
The help is now available in English, German, French and Swedish
Over 30.000
There is now over 30.000 Bearded Collies registered in the database
New layout
We have change the layout on the start page. We have also made a news function where we are going to publish new functions and changes in Pedigree
Unknown parents
We have made a selection of dogs in the database where information about their parents is missing. Please help us to make the database as complete as possible by filling in the missing data.